I needed to vacuum the living room this afternoon and I thought that I would try out my handy dandy little 9.00 buy from black Friday and I open it up and Madison wants to vacuum. Now I have to tell you that they are TERRIFIED of the vacuum. Not anymore; Madison started vacuuming like it was her chore or something. Be sure and check out the other pics because she really gets into it and McKenzie continues to eat her snack like the little Princess she is. ENJOY:)
Maddie, Gammie will save you. I am so sorry your mommy is making you do chores at such a young age.
Kenzie, put down those cookies and help your sister!!!!!
Love you,
You should stop making your child do slave labor, or at least make both of them be slaves, so unfair, haha! Can't wait to see y'all for Christmas. Tell them Kristy and JaJa said hi.
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