Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Playdate with Mason 5-10-10

We went over to a friend's house yesterday for a playdate. We had lunch, played in the backyard, and then went to another park and went on a nature trail walk. We found all sorts of things on our walk. We found a snake, a snail, and some honeysuckle. That was the girls' first experience with honeysuckle and after that they wanted to taste it at all the honeysuckle trees! LOL

We had a great day and finished it off with dinner at Gammie & G-Paw's. We all slept good last night.

Be sure and click on M & M's photo album at the bottom of the blog page.


School Pics April 2010

So the girls had their pics done at school and we just got them back. They are super cute like always but I am a little biased! LOL


Make sure you click on M & M's photo album at the bottom of the blog page.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010 Camping Trip

For Mother's Day this year we all went camping. We went to Fairfield State Park and had a blast. The girls had such a great time.

Hope everyone enjoys the picture like we enjoyed our little trip for my best Mommy's Day weekend EVER!

Happy Mother's Day to all!! :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1st Catfishing

So for Daddy's birthday the girls wanted to fish a catfish tournament with Mommy and Daddy. You think I am kidding. Casey woke them up at 5am and turned on the light and told the girls that it was time to get up and go fishing and they jumped out of bed. I was wanting 15 more minutes to sleep:)

McKenzie caught a hybrid that was 1/2 pound short of being the state record.

After we fished for a few hours we went back to the house to eat lunch and take a nap and then we went back to weigh in our fish and go to a fish fry. The girls met a new friend and they played in the water together until the fish was ready. They really had a good time and they keep asking to go back and fish.

Hope that you enjoy the pics!