Saturday after my surgery Casey took the girls outside to play in the snow. They were so darn cute. Be sure and check out the link at the bottom for the rest of the pictures! Madison did not want to sit with the snowman, but Kenzie did and it is pretty darn cute.....yes that is McKenzie is on the left :)
So Saturday after we flew to Minneapolis we drove to Sioux Falls and the next day we took the girls ice skating and they did impressively well! We did not put skates on them and Madison would run with the "guide thing" across the floor. McKenzie did well too, but after she fell a couple times she was ready to go. Enjoy all of these pictures!
This evening we went to a hotel with my Aunt and Uncle after we flew to Minneapolis and the girls' got to play with Jack. They LOVED it! Here are some pics!
Here are the girls' feeding the deer and McKenzie now has a little OCD and likes to make sure that the bowls are lined up perfectly. Madison on the other hand just wants to put the corn in her shoe and then throw her shoe in the air and watch the corn fly! To each their own I guess! Enjoy my princesses!
The girls' were being goofy this day. They started out McKenzie zipping Madison in the stuffed animal bucket and then McKenzie got in and Madison zipped McKenzie and that was a HUGE no-no for McKenzie. She did not like that at all. Enjoy the pics!
Casey and I took the girls' to the Dallas Aquarium and we had a blast. It was so much fun. We had never been before and I got in trouble because I forgot to charge the battery on the camera and the camera died right before all the good stuff so we will JUST HAVE to go back and take more pics and add them later!!!! Enjoy!
Well, here is the highlight of Gammie & G-Paw's for Christmas this year. They absolutely LOVE their bikes. Again the girls just tore right into all the presents even the ones that did not belong to them....Sorry again Aunt Denise about the half wrapped present:o) Hope you enjoy the rest of the pics! There are a ton more to come. :o)